If you spot someone wearing these shoes, stop what you’re doing and look around. You had probably better know what it means I had no idea

This product, called InnoMake, is a pair of smart shoes equipped with advanced sensors to detect obstacles in the wearer’s path. When the sensors pick up an obstacle, they alert the wearer through vibrations or sounds, allowing them to safely navigate their surroundings.

The technology behind InnoMake is incredibly sophisticated. These sensors can detect objects at a distance of anywhere from half a meter to four meters, giving the wearer ample time to adjust their movements. The sensors are housed in a specialized compartment within the shoes and are powered by a rechargeable battery. A single charge can last up to a week, and the battery takes just three hours to fully recharge.

To make the shoes even more user-friendly, they come with a free companion app. This app lets users customize the settings to suit their individual needs. For example, users can choose how far in advance they want to be alerted about obstacles or adjust how the shoes respond to different situations. This flexibility ensures that each person can adapt the technology to fit their own preferences.

You might be wondering how these shoes hold up in different weather conditions. The creators of InnoMake have considered this and made sure the sensors are water-resistant. Whether it’s rain or snow, these shoes are built to work effectively no matter the weather. They even have an intelligent mode that turns off the sensors when the wearer is sitting down and automatically reactivates them when movement is detected, conserving battery life while ensuring continuous protection.

If you’re interested in trying out InnoMake shoes before committing to a purchase, several stores across Austria offer trial opportunities. This allows potential users to experience how these smart shoes can enhance their mobility and give them greater confidence in their daily lives.

InnoMake isn’t just another pair of shoes—it’s a major step forward in assistive technology. By giving visually impaired individuals a new sense of independence and security, these shoes are doing more than just providing mobility; they’re helping people live with greater freedom and peace of mind. For those looking to improve their ability to navigate the world safely, InnoMake offers an innovative solution that’s both practical and life-changing.


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